What is the fastest relief for asthma?

How is asthma curable? || How can I reduce asthma in my home?

Asthma, also referred to as wheezing or bronchial asthma, is a common medical condition that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, resulting in symptoms such as tightness in the chest, coughing, and dyspnea.

Allergens like mold, dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and smoke, as well as irritants like strong smells, cold air, and air pollution, are common causes of asthma attacks. Seasonal variations can make asthma symptoms worse for people who are allergic to pollen, particularly when there is a high pollen count.

What is the fastest relief for asthma?

How can a person identify if they are having asthma or if it is a normal allergy?

If you frequently sneeze as soon as you wake up every day If you get colds a lot in the winter or during the rainy season, or if you have a cold and find it difficult to breathe out, Additionally, you will hear a whistling sound as you exhale.

These symptoms could have occurred either when you were young or when you were old as well. This is called bronchial asthma.

How many people are affected by asthma?

About 25 million people in India suffer from asthma. There are kids among those six million. Despite the fact that asthma is so common, nobody understands why. Not even science has been able to pinpoint a specific cause for asthma.

Asthma attacks can vary in intensity from mild to severe. Some people might get a mild allergic reaction. Some people may experience a severe attack that requires hospitalisation. These attacks can occur at any time and affect people of any age. 

Why is it so difficult to breathe, and why do we hear that whistling sound?

There are three main reasons.

First reason: Bronchospasm. Bronchospasm Broncho means the tube that connects the throat and the lungs. Spasm means an involuntary muscular contraction. The tubes, the nodules that connect the lungs and help in air exchange, will tighten and close.

Second reason: why does it close? It closes due to inflammation. What is inflammation?

The bronchioles or the tubes get infected. The inflammation will cause an excess secretion of mucus.

The third reason is mucus. Our lungs will secrete mucus if they are exposed to smoke or dust. Even though mucus is secreted in healthy lungs, asthmatics' mucus will block the tube. The tracts will constrict when you breathe in and then out, making it extremely difficult to exhale.

The most common question for everyone is: Can asthma be cured completely?

Can asthma be cured? Can asthma be cured completely?

Unfortunately, it is a no. It cannot be completely cured, as there are a lot of genetic tendencies to asthma. Asthma doesn't have a single, obvious cause, but there are many theories that contend different factors may contribute to or cause asthma attacks. Genetic tendency is one such explanation, as it can be passed down from parents to their offspring. As a result, asthma cannot be totally cured or prevented. However, we can make an effort to stay away from the triggers, at least. such as averting smoke-filled or polluted areas. These days, we're accustomed to donning masks because of COVID. Since we've become accustomed to wearing masks, the frequency of asthma attacks has actually decreased over the last two years.

Their exposure to pollution, pollutants, and dust has been reduced due to the mask The first and foremost thing is to prevent If you understand that these are the things that trigger an asthma attack for you, For some, even fresh paint can cause sneezing or trigger an asthma attack. Even pesticides can trigger an asthmatic attack. Try to understand the triggering factor and avoid it. Prevention is always better than cure.

When you have an asthma attack, why should you go to a doctor?

What medicine is he prescribing, and what will that medicine do? What kind of medicine should we take? Many use nebulizers. What does a nebulizer contain?

Only when we know all these will we know what kind of treatment we should give a person when they have an asthma attack.

In the last part, we will know what the treatment is and how the medicine works to relieve the breathlessness so quickly. If you remember, I mentioned two things in asthmatic attacks: bronchospasm and inflammation. To relieve bronchospasm, doctors will prescribe you bronchodilators. I had mentioned that in bronchospasm, the bronchioles will shrink. They will open up the air passage.

How do they open them up? The medications known as bronchodilators prevent mucus from becoming clogged. They are given as pills to eat. Otherwise, the drug is mixed in a nebulizer, and they can breathe it in through the oxygen mask. Apart from these, they can use inhalers. The people who get frequent attacks use these inhalers as they are also very effective. Bronchodilators are medicines that help open up the airways so that you can inhale and exhale easily.

The second one is anti-inflammatory. As there is inflammation, excess mucus is produced, which will clog the air passage, So medicine should be given to reduce swelling. So doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for them. which will help in reducing the inflammation so that the bronchus will not hyperreact and they can breathe normally.

Home remedies for asthma:

1) We need to add two to three cloves to a quarter cup of milk for this home remedy. Bring to a boil and let cool. Drink this after it cools to relieve asthma.

2) To make this homemade remedy, we take a small amount of mustard oil and mix it with a tiny bit of camphor. You must heat this mixture and then massage it until it is comfortably warm. on your upper back and chest to relieve asthma symptoms.

3) We take half a cup of pomegranate juice and add half a cup of ginger juice to this homemade asthma remedy. We add one tablespoon of honey to this. Take two to three tablespoons of this each day. to obtain asthmatic relief.

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